MIYA water delivery

For years we have been very pleased with our inline triple water filter system that that eliminated the need for plastic water bottles or big filters taking up space in my kitchen. The taste could be… acquired. 🙂 But otherwise, it worked completely for our family and I saw no need to change. Then I started reading about MIYA. And following them on Facebook. And I recommended MIYA to a friend who was in the market for water delivery, and she raved about their product, customer service and speed.

So I gave it a try. Nothing crazy… just a 19L bottle and a 10L bottle. Five minutes later, I knew we were sold. The MIYA pump (2500 CFA) worked so well and easily, without making a mess, and the kids were filling their cups and water bottles without any help from me. #momwin The taste was definitely an improvement over our filtered tap water, the price was cheaper than Kirene, and delivery (like to your kitchen! Whatever floor you live on.) is free for two bottles or more. But what really got me was their recycling program. Read on for more…

MIYA is a social enterprise seeking to improve access to delicious, high-quality water while minimizing its environmental footprint. Started in 2019, MIYA offers 10L and 19L formats at surprising prices. The 10L format comes in at 600cfa while the 19L sells for 1,200cfa.

Like some other (more expensive) brands, MIYA sources their water here in Dakar, originating from the Lac de Guiers and the water table outside Dakar. Then they ‘perfect’ it before bottling it. The water goes through four different levels of treatment, ranging from activated charcoal to various sized filtrations to UV light, eliminating both bacterial and chemical elements but leaving in good minerals, such as calcium.

Because of its commitment to limiting plastic pollution, these are the only formats MIYA sells. So you won’t find any little bottles and both the 10L and 19L water bottles are made out of reusable PET, free of the cancerogenic Bisphenol A chemical. Bottles are procured in exchange for a refundable deposit (2,000cfa for the 10L, 4,000cfa for the 19L). MIYA recuperates them, disinfects and washes them to maximize their lifecycle. When they’re damaged, they’re given a new life by MIYA’s recycling partner Sen Or’Dur, which turns them into plastic bricks. (!!!)

Weekly or bi-weekly deliveries are available across the Dakar region. Payment can be made in cash or via Orange Money, which makes my Dakar life so much easier. Ordering refills, postponing orders and other communications with the MIYA team is easy. Their Client Satisfaction Team is available (and increasingly anglo-capable!) by phone or on WhatsApp (76 600 0900) or also by phone at 78 607 0606. Or you can reach out to them by Facebook Messenger, like I did. 

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